Elevate teams with post game

How do you define success and failure? Use a system that helps define, measure and monitor performance from routine post game review. Start with The Mindset Performance Indicator which regularly communicates where individuals and teams are from a mental perspective after each contest.

Comparing the difference

Post-game reviews and end-of-season surveys serve different purposes in the context of sports engagement.

End of Season Surveys

Post Game Reviews

No consistent pulse
Develops routine feedback
Lacks impactful data
Determines perception
No gauge to compare
Measures perspective
Lacks accountability
Monitors progress
No system of awarness
Alleviates politics
Lacks training focus
Stregthens relationships

Harness what powers performance.

Ready to experience the difference?

Pave the most effective way to improve performance with teams

Performance Monitoring

Monitor concerns before they become issues or problems. Provide a basis for self awareness, focus and accountability. Provide a consistent measure of growth and mental focus.


Elevate the journey with every athlete, coach, and team by harnessing MPIs. Make informed decisions, cultivate growth, and achieve remarkable success. Get insights and observations game to game.


Capture performance reviews to facilitate feedback and communication with coaches.

Human Resources

Build connections with staff and talent in your organization. Develop a living performance profile for teams down to each individual. Know your metrics in just a few clicks.

Sports Experience

Sign up to access a database of individual and team performance index transcripts and resume profiles for  Collegiate and High School athletics.


Redefine how you nurture performance, satisfaction, and communication. Use tools that create an environment where staff and talent can do their best work. Drive performance with honest feedback.

Uniquely define success and failure.

A small change to make a big difference.

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